Guinea pigs 

Do guinea pigs need veterinary care? 

Yes. Guinea pigs should receive regular veterinary care. This should include at least a once yearly comprehensive physical examination, but because these pets age so much quicker than most of our pets, we recommend bi-annual physical examinations. 

How many breeds of guinea pigs are there? 

Different countries recognize different breeds of guinea pigs but the American Cavy Breeders Association recognizes 13 different breeds. 

Is there such a thing as short-haired or “Teddy” guinea pigs? 

There are both short-haired (American Guinea Pig) and Teddy guinea pigs 

How long do guinea pigs live? 

The average lifespan of a guinea pig is 6-8 years. 

How big do guinea pigs get? 

The average pet guinea pig can weigh between 1.5 and 2.6 pounds. They will typically measure 8-9 inches long. 

Do guinea pigs make good pets? 

Guinea pigs make very good pets. They are very social and relatively low maintenance. Some pros of having a guinea pig include that they enjoy human interaction and can bond with their owners, they are relatively low maintenance in that they do not need daily walks and are easy to care for, they are not nocturnal meaning they are most active during the day, they produce minimal odor as long as their enclosure is cleaned regularly, and they make super cute sounds when they are happy. 

Are guinea pigs good for kids? 

Guinea pigs are not ideal pets for small children because they are delicate and can be easily injured if handled roughly. 

What are the best cages for guinea pigs? 

The best cages are those that are large and well-ventilated with soft bedding. They should be easy to clean with solid flooring. Cage sizes should be a minimum of 7.5 square feet with an additional 2.5 square feet for each additional guinea pig.  Bars should be no more than 1” apart to avoid your guinea pigs escaping or getting stuck.  Be sure to have room for hideouts, chew toys, tunnels, etc. 

Is it possible to make a DIY guinea pig cage? 

It is possible to make a DIY guinea pig cage, as long as you keep the above information in mind. 

Can I potty train guinea pigs? 

Yes, guinea pigs can be potty trained to use a litter box. While they don’t have the same control over their bladder as dogs or cats, they do tend to gravitate to specific spots to do their business, especially when they feel comfortable and have a designated area. 

Choose the right litter box - a shallow box with low entry so they can easily hop in and out 

Avoid clumping cat litter or clay based litters as they can be harmful if ingested - use paper based, aspen, or fleece bedding. Observe where the guinea pig typically goes to do their business and place litter box in that location, then place bedding in the litter box

Is it okay to put my guinea pig in a ball? 

Most guinea pigs do not enjoy exercise balls. Their larger body size and shorter limbs make them less agile and potentially at risk for injury. Exercise balls restrict their natural movement and can cause stress if they feel enclosed

What do guinea pigs eat? 

A guinea pig’s diet should consist primarily of hay with fresh vegetables and fruit, as well as pellets.  However, hay is the most important part of a guinea pig’s diet and should consist of about 80% of their diet. Timothy hay is the most commonly used, but meadow hay and orchard hay can be supplemented at times. 

Guinea pigs need fresh vegetables every day for the Vitamin C, because their body is incapable of making their own. Offer a variety of leafy greens including romaine lettuce, cilantro, parsley, dandelion greens, and kale. Red bell peppers and cucumbers are also great options. 

Fresh fruits should be given sparingly because they are high in sugar. Good options include apples, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, and melon. Oranges and other citrus fruits can be fed in moderation due to their high Vitamin C content 

Pellets can be given to supplement the hay, but should not be the main part of their diet. Choose high quality timothy hay based pellets and avoid those from seeds, dried fruits and artificial additives. Avoid alfalfa based pellets because they are too high in calcium and protein. 

Do guinea pigs smell? 

Guinea pigs produce very little odor, as long as their cage is cleaned regularly 

Can guinea pigs live alone? 

While guinea pigs can live alone, they will likely be much happier and healthier with a companion. Guinea pigs are herd animals and naturally live in groups. 

How many babies can a guinea pig have? 

Guinea pigs can have litters of 1-6 babies (called pups), but sizes of 3-4 are most common. 

How do wellness and preventive care impact the health and well-being of my guinea pig? 

Wellness and preventive care plays a crucial role in ensuring your guinea pig remains healthy, happy, and free from illness. Like all pets, guinea pigs require regular care to maintain their overall wellbeing and to catch potential health issues early before they become more serious. 

Routine health checks with a veterinarian can help detect early signs of illness such as respiratory issues, dental problems, and skin conditions. 

Preventive care includes providing a proper diet that meets all the nutritional needs of your guinea pig, such as hay, fresh vegetables, and vitamin C. 

A balanced diet helps prevent obesity, which leads to issues like diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. Regular vet visits ensure that their weight is monitored and their diet is adjusted as needed. 

Proper nutrition also helps prevent dental issues, as guinea pigs’ teeth grow continuously and need to be worn down with hay and fibrous foods. 

How soon should I bring my guinea pig to the veterinarian if they are not eating or drinking or if other habits have changed? 

If your guinea pig is not eating or drinking they should see the vet as soon as possible - ideally within 24 hours. Guinea pigs are fragile animals that can quickly become seriously ill when they stop eating or drinking. They can develop GI stasis and rapid dehydration very quickly. 

Have questions about your guinea pig?  Call or Text us at (503) 968-2911, send us an email at [email protected]  or 

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