How is laser therapy used to treat dogs?

Laser therapy is used in a wide array of illnesses and conditions to help reduce inflammation, decrease pain, and stimulate healing.

Dr. Sarah Dougherty, DVM

How does laser therapy work?

To answer that question, let's talk about what laser is. Laser stands for light amplification of stimulated emission and radiation. A targeted beam of energy enters the cells and stimulates them to produce chemicals that promote healing and decrease inflammation.

What are the biggest benefits of dog laser therapy?

The biggest benefit to dogs is that it is a non-invasive modality that helps promote the cells to do their own healing.

What are the main dog illnesses that can benefit from laser therapy?

Dogs with a wide array of conditions can benefit from laser therapy. These can include acute injuries such as soft tissue sprains or strains, wounds, ear infections, chronic injuries such as arthritis, and other chronic pain.

Why should I consider laser therapy for my dog?

Laser therapy is a non-invasive, non-painful way to help promote your dog's body's ability to do its own healing.

How long will a laser therapy session last for my dog?

Laser therapy sessions will be determined by the amount of the area that we're trying to focus on treatment. They can be as short as five minutes or up to ten minutes.

How many laser therapy sessions will my dog need?

The number of laser therapy sessions that your dog needs will depend on what type of injury we're treating. For acute conditions, it can be treated in less than six sessions. However, for more chronic diseases like managing arthritis pain, sessions can be ongoing.

How will I know if laser therapy is working for my dog?

You should notice increased healing and increased mobility and general improved quality of life.

Is laser therapy painful?

Laser therapy in and of itself is not painful. However, you can kind of consider it to be similar to a massage. Sometimes you might be a little bit sore and then 12 hours after, but then you'll feel great relief in the following days.

Does my dog need an exam before they're approved for laser therapy?

Your dog does need an exam before laser therapy to ensure that your dog's condition is safe and appropriate for laser therapy. If you have any questions about your dog's care or laser therapy in and of itself, please give the clinic a call.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (503) 968-2911, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram